What is a Spanish NIE number?

A NIE number in Spain is an identification number of foreigners and it stands for Número de Identificación de Extranjeros. Both residents and non-tax residents must have this number. This number is and remains your personal identification number in Spain.

Why do I need a Spanish NIE number?

If you wish to stay in Spain for more than three months, you must apply for a Spanish NIE number. This is your proof that you are legally resident in Spain.

Without a NIE number you cannot do much in Spain, because you need it for, among other things:

  • File a tax return
  • Municipality registration
  • Notarial deeds such as purchase/sale/will/inheritance and power of attorney
  • Buying/selling a house
  • Buy/sell car/motorcycle
  • Long term house rental
  • To work
  • Make an insurance contract
  • Open a bank account
  • Study at a Spanish university

Request your NIE number now via the website below: fast, easy and reliable.
You will receive your NIE number within 15 days.
